Basic infomation | |
Official name | なんでも実況(ジュピター)板(英語) |
Alias | NanJ、Jupiter |
URL | https://hawk.5ch.net/livejupiter/ |
Launched | October 21, 2004 |
Days of use | 7336日 |
Administrator | Jim Watkins |
Anonymous | 風吹けば名無し |
Feature | Hasekara Turmoil of origin |
なんでも実況(ジュピター)板(Nandemo Jikyo(Jupiter)BBS) is one of the 5ch BBS.Also known as "NanJ".Also, the residents of this forum are called "NanJ民".
Hasekara Turmoil of origin.It was originally a depopulated board created in 2005, but in 2009, the residents (やきう民) who could not stand the tighter restrictions on baseball BBS(やきう板) moved to the area on a large scale, and a unique culture centered on baseball developed.
In addition to the baseball culture, they used a unique dialect called "Mokoben(猛虎弁)" which is hard to believe today, but it used to be one of the boards that kept the afiblogs away.There, the good old 2ch culture and the underground nature of homoeroticism, AA, and the familiarity of Yagami Taichi were relatively preserved.
For more detailed explanation, please refer to the Japanese article and this page of NanJ-wiki.
Relationships with Koshinism
The increase in the number of NanJ-min in 2012 Afiblogs and Stealth Marketing Turmoil and the expansion of NANJ stories to the outside world contributed to the seriousness and longevity of Hasekara Turmoil.
With their combative hobby of "watching baseball," the NanJ-min are self-identified as "barbarians," and the bad-boy culture of the baseball club remains strong.It was unfortunate and natural that Karasawa Takahiro went up in flames, and the law was powerless against the barbarians.This, combined with the spread of Tor and other technologies, has led to a lot of radical harassment that previous netizens would never have thought of.
NanJ itself used to be Koshinism's base along with Karasawa Takahiro BBS, and the relationship was good, Koshinism and NanJ were inseparable.[1]Up until the 第14回MMD杯 and 唐澤貴洋のご尊顔開示事件 days in 2015, the average NanJ people seemed to be having fun with them.
But after this 第14回MMD杯,the relationship begins to deteriorate for reasons such as
- Sonshi MMD Line went beyond just trolling for conventions and started making serious works, which conflicted with NanJ's tendency to avoid anime and cute.
- The influence of Sonshi MMD 's fame led to a massive influx of people from niconico and other countries who were unfamiliar with the culture of NanJ.
- The establishment of Twitter Line and Nisse Line has led to an increase in the number of people familiarizing themselves with each other within Koshinism and using Koshinism to fight other neighborhoods.
- At this time, NanJ's main users are being replaced by people who came via afiblogs.Since the thought patterns of those people were similar to 長谷川亮太の常軌を逸した書き込み, many of them were sympathetic to Hasegawa Ryota.
Then, in May 2015, criticism of Rikuji-niki's Kenma and 0chiaki's arrest caused a definite deterioration in the relationship, and the two sides abused each other, resulting in a cold war for several years.However, after 2018, the conflict is no longer as confrontational as it once was, with Hasegawa Ryota's alleged moving slip, 炎上弁護人 being talked about, and Karakoro Thread standing regularly.
Even today, there are a certain number of people who are still hanging on to Koshinism and NanJ.
History of BBS
- October 21, 2004 - Newly Established[2]
- March 16, 2005 - Moving the Server(live8→live20)
- July 14, 2005 Moving the Server(live20→live22x)
- November-December 25, 2005 - VIPPER 新天地を求めてなんJに侵攻する。(invades NanJ in search of a new world.)[3]
- May 19, 2006 - Moving the Server(live22x→live23)
- May 13, 2009 - The old management sanctioned the baseball channel, and it became a baseball BBS with a large influx of やきう民 seeking a comfortable place.[4]
- May 31, 2010 - Moving the Server(live23→live28)
- June 17, 2010 - Moving the Server(live28→hayabusa)
- May 2, 2011 - Moving the Server(hayabusa→hatsukari)Invading お祭りch.
- November 13, 2011 - Moving the Server(hatsukari→uni)
- November 20, 2011 - 日本シリーズ第7戦でソフトバンクのファルケンボーグが中日の井端弘和に打球をぶつけられ降板。さらにこのシリース不調だった馬原登板への期待[5]で限界に達したなんJのサーバーが破壊される。[6]これを受けてお祭りchに再度侵攻する。4日後に復帰。
- December 10, 2011 - Moving the Server(uni→hayabusa)
- 2012 March 7 - 八神太一 is identified
- December 16, 2012 - This thread is the cause and Aquarium BBS
- March 3, 2014 - Anonymous' name is changed to "風吹けば名無し@転載禁止".
- March 17, 2014 - Moving the Server(hayabusa→hayabusa5)
- March 29, 2014 - Moving the Server(hayabusa5→tomcat)
- June 15, 2014 - Moving the Server(tomcat→orpheus)
- February 11, 2016 - Moving the Server(orpheus→raptor)
- March 24, 2017 - Moving the Server(raptor→hawk)
Local Rules
(As of February 23, 2022)
猛虎弁なんて知らん ★なんでも実況可★ ・この板では主に野球の実況をしてるやで ・実況ではない雑談、煽りレスは控えたほうがええで ・ほかの板を荒らさんように。荒らすんやったらまず“嫌儲”やな ・なお多目的らしい>オリ専 ・スレ立てするとき、1行目に「!extend::vvvvv::」て書いたら潔癖症のカミングアウトや。お勧めやで ★関連板★ ・各局番組ch 番組ch(NHK)・番組ch(教育)・ 番組ch(日本テレビ)・番組ch(TBS) 番組ch(フジ)・番組ch(テレビ朝日)・ 番組ch(テレビ東京) ・その他関連実況板、実況可能な板 なんでも実況U>まったり。パートスレはここやで お祭り会場>さらにまったりや。パートスレやお祭りボーイはここやな Anarchy実況>アナーキーや穴を味わうのもええで アニメ・特撮実況>アニメ好きはこっちや ニュース速報(杉浦綾乃)>アニメ=リアルやん?
References to Hasegawa Ryota
From around January 21, 2016 to February 11, 2016, there was a reference to someone who appeared to be Hasegawa Ryota in the local rules.
彡(゚)(゚)なんJのルール彡(^)(^) ・この板では主に野球実況やその他実況、雑談をしとるで。でも違法じゃない限り何のスレ立ててもええで。 ・連投は10秒毎に可能や。 ・過度な自分語り、煽りレスは控えた方がええで。過去にそれで身を滅ぼした青年がおるからな。 まあ適当に楽しんでくれやで~
Regulations of 風の民
1 :風吹けば名無し:2009/05/17(日) 04:12:50.52 ID:ztqhNfYT ・基本的に楽しむよりも楽しませる ・基本的に自分晒しをしない ・基本的にコテ・beをつけて自分を主張しない ・基本的に仲間内で馴れ合わない ・基本的に雑誌・ブログ等の記事にしない 別にこの板で野球実況しようが何しようが原住民は誰一人文句を言わないんだけど この板でやる以上は少なくともこの掟だけは守って って思ったけど、まあどうでもいいか。日曜日だし。 6 :風吹けば名無し:2009/05/17(日) 04:39:28.79 ID:FLDW0OJ9 ・・・風の民の立てたスレにはこんな不文律があるとも聞いた 1つのスレには1人1レスまで 9レス以上付いたスレにレス禁止 3行以上書き込まない。(3行革命) メール欄は空欄に レスアンカーの禁止 女人禁制 be禁止 馴れ合い禁止 馴れ合い時によく見られるネット用語・アスキーアート禁止 自分の意志表示禁止
Related Items
Translation Line
- ↑ Some users and antagonists avoided getting involved with Koshinism.
- ↑ In■ 移転ですー, it is said to be relocated, but Newly Established is correct.
- ↑ VIPPER who settled in NanJ at this time are the natives.
- ↑ The reason it became a baseball BBS is explained to be that the natives suddenly woke up to baseball, which is of course a funny story.
- ↑ 実際に登板したのは森福
- ↑ これが元で当時のログの殆どが消失している。