
Soba Restaurant ECHIGOYA

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Soba Restaurant ECHIGOYA
Soba Restaurant ECHIGOYA
名称 そば処越後屋(Soba Restaurant ECHIGOYA)
別名・通称 ECHIGOYA, Itabashi Satyan, Itabashi First Satyan
分類 Soba Restaurant
設立年 1973年
所在地 2-12 Futaba-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo
電話番号 +81 3-3961-4533
騒動との関連 Run by a relative of Hasegawa Ryota

Soba Restaurant ECHIGOYA is a restaurant (Soba Restaurant) located in Itabashi, Tokyo. It is run by a relative of Hasegawa Ryota[1].

How was it discovered?

Yagami had been bragging about his relative's restaurant since before he was identified, and even after he was identified, the topic came up regularly, but because there was so little material, he was never identified.

40 :八神太一 ◆YAGAMI99iU [背番号99]:2011/08/13(土) 00:27:15.34 ID:X+zjzoNw
60 :八神太一@破天荒 ◆YAGAMI99iU [なんJの暴君]:2011/10/08(土) 13:18:41.87  ID:lvooaOIX
27 :八神太一@破天荒 ◆YAGAMI99iU [なんJの暴君]:2011/10/10(月) 11:03:33.78 ID:0IVCeAwv
>>19と同じく俺が働けば余裕で600万は超えるね  wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

On September 10, 2012, an image of a chopstick bag from a restaurant was unearthed among the images Yagami had given in the past. As a result of Koushinists' search for the truth, we came to the conclusion that the restaurant was either a sushi or soba restaurant in Matsudo, where he live, or in Itabashi, where his cousin once told us he lived, but the image was too rough to decipher.

On June 30, 2013, NanJ-min reported that the image of the chopstick bag matched the chopstick bag of a soba restaurant in Itabashi, but some people questioned it because it was not a factor that could be clearly determined.

1 : 風吹けば名無し[] 投稿日:2013/06/30(日) 19:09:43.70 ID:1IZhF+0c [1/26回]

チンフェがあげてた箸(左奥)と一致しとるで http://i.imgur.com/8sQ7Xew.jpg   拡大http://i.imgur.com/LPKuOwt.jpg

However, it turned out that the owner of the store was surnamed Hasegawa.

373 : 風吹けば名無し[sage] 投稿日:2013/06/30(日) 19:46:33.41 ID:/AvFpisF [4/9回]
268 自分:核撃てば尊師[sage] 投稿日:2013/06/30(日) 19:45:15 ID:CzxkYMt60
http://www.asawakai.com/asawakai_list.html (何故か削除済)
定休日 : 木曜日

これ確定ちゃうん? http://i.imgur.com/AE1vlKS.jpg >>越後屋(長谷川聡)   は…聡?

And the image that Yagami had uploaded in the past and the image of the back side of the Echigoya store matched perfectly, thus confirming it.

781 : 風吹けば名無し[] 投稿日:2013/06/30(日) 20:14:15.38 ID:1IZhF+0c [20/26回]

940 : 風吹けば名無し[sage] 投稿日:2013/06/30(日) 20:24:58.90 ID:AaTovkGr [3/3回] よく見たら普通に蕎麦屋の裏が虹画像の場所だったわ http://imgur.com/d7MHiMK http://a26.ch@ip.jp/japmt0wb/album/c_index.php?tnum=40

Later, as a result of the disclosure of Yagami's relatives one after another through the disclosure of Echigoya's registry, it was discovered that the owner of the store, his grandfather Satoshi, had already passed away.

In addition, there is a suspicion that A is hiding out in Favourite House 1, an apartment building under the name of Echigoya in Futaba Itabashi, the same district as Echigoya, but it has not been confirmed.


After identifying it, it has become one of the Kenma spots, and among them, Tsukinaga Koei has succeeded in getting information about Yagami from the current owner.

It is also said that he may be the only person who benefited from the Hasekara Turmoil, since his reputation at NanJ has surprisingly increased the number of people coming to his store. It is said that he is the only person who benefited from the Hasekara Turmoil.


On October 28, 2015, a person who looked like Mankoh was photographed at Soba Restaurant ECHIGOYA. Some people have pointed out that they wear the same shoes and that their faces are relatively similar, but as we have not been able to confirm their name tags, the authenticity is unknown.

On February 21, 2016, a person who looks like Mankoh was photographed again by Shigemi-kun.

Testimony from Kirkland users

604 :横向けば名無し : 2015/10/28(水) 12:22:12 ID:Mye4eUMc 

Later, some enthusiastic people reported that the person they thought was Mankoh was only there on weekends.


  • The restaurant's owner, 長谷川展義, is sometimes referred to as "Tengie," in the same way that Hasegawa Mitsutaka is referred to as "Mankoh."
  • There are sets of rice dishes and soba. Of the rice dishes, 開化丼(Kaika-don) is often referred to as 開示丼(Kaiji-don) among the Koushinists.
  • The nearest station is Itabashi-Honmachi Station on the Toei Subway Mita Line. Along the same line, there are Takashimadaira Danchi (Takashimadaira Station and Shin Takashimadaira Station), where Takahashi Yoshiyuki lives, Ogawamachi Mecenat Building (Jimbocho Station)[2], where Yakumo Low Office is located, and Mita Tsunamachi Duplex R's (Mita Station), where Steadiness Law Office is located.
  • The restaurant is open from 11:30 to 15:00 (LO 14:40) and from 17:15 to 20:30 (LO 20:00). The store is closed on Thursdays. Be sure to bring cash with you, as you cannot pay by credit cards, transportation IC cards, QR codes, or other payment methods other than cash.


Menu before 2021

Menu after 2021

The price was raised by about 50 to 100 yen.

Soba and Rice Bowl

Exterior and Interior

Sources and Notes

  1. Strictly speaking, it is run by "Echigoya Ltd.", a company owned by a relative of Hasegawa Ryota
  2. The nearest station is Ogawamachi Station on the Toei Shinjuku Line, but it is also accessible from Jimbocho Station.
  3. See this for the call

External Links

Translation Line
来歴・資料 4月20日 - メディア - 3月7日3.7ドキュメント 八神太一特定の軌跡) - なんJwiki - ちばけんま特定の軌跡 - 平成24年(ヨ)第1035号唐澤貴洋 - ハセカラ騒動) - 2ちゃんねる2012年4月大規模規制 - 指原デマツイ騒動 - 827事件 - 小学校時代の長谷川亮太まとめ(松戸市立六実第三小学校 - ランフェ - アリ) - 判例DB掲載(A1 - 犯罪者チンコフェイスaくん) - けんまブーム良芋健一) - ビッフェ
書き込み内容自分語り 八神太一書き込みデータ◆5EJ71eKlNQ - ◆MRZhTaiPEY - ◆ISGX6ZfRXiPe - ◆GIG2i.SBhI - ◆YAGAMI99iU) - 書き込み - 常軌を逸した書き込み - AV評論 - ブログ(†八神太一ブログ† - 日常) - ガチ - この地球で必要な花 - 走る姿美しい - カッスレ - 70年契約 - なめんじゃねーぞクソガキ - ニコ生 - 友達7人泊めたンゴ - 俺は嫌な思いしてないから - 謝罪風脅迫 - そうなのですか? - いつとは言わんが - 元凶 - 疑惑ID - Twitter
関連する場所 松戸市松戸病) - そば処越後屋 - フェイバリットハウスI - 国士舘大学 - 松戸東警察署
ちばけんま けんまくん経歴) - 長谷川家の自家用車 - チンターホン - 自分語りマット - ミント園 - ニーナ・ハッサン - 長谷川家の猫
疑惑チンフェ キスプリ嫉妬民) - ウンフェ松戸式敬礼) - デンフェ - ピンフェ - ニセフェ
国士舘大学 学祭配信 - キッズライク同好会 - 長谷川亮太に告ぐ - 敵対的買収と防衛策ブルドックソース事件をテーマにした卒論)
千葉経済大学附属高校 伊藤和真 - 加藤優拓 - 池之上勇人 - 細谷彩華
稲垣千尋(マンフェ) 歯医者デート - ガイジかな、あれ。 - 成田智矢 - 朝倉恭介 - マン葉集
親族 長谷川満孝(父) - 長谷川幸恵(母) - 長谷川祐太(弟) - 長谷川聡(祖父)
なんJ 岩尾亮佑(アワー) - 梶友也(キングス) - 黒木段(ジャッカル) - 浅見祐希(町田巨人軍) - あお - 鷹娘 - 照井優一郎(隻眼天使) - 篠田健太郎
関連人物 ほしかネキ - 月永皓瑛 - マツドマッドマットマン - 厚史 - 安藤良太(ださいたま) - 茂み君 - 臭芋祐一
風評被害 デジモンアドベンチャー - 平行線は必ず交わる - 長谷川亮太 (山形) - 長谷川亮太(ヤクザ) - 長谷川亮太(大学野球選手) - 長谷川亮太 (宝塚市) - 長谷川凌汰 - 長谷川豊(腎臓) - ティンフェ - 六実っ子
用語 ハセ学 - 包皮民 - 心のチンフェ - 今日は何のチン♪フェッフェ~♪ - 遊☆戯☆王 - つまり国士舘です - 高校生が自分語りする→ - チンフェカレー - 満足丼 - チンフェ世代 - AA(長谷川亮太)