
Love to no love era.

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動

Love to a loveless epoch.(愛なき時代に愛を。) is one of the remarks of Karasawa Takahiro. Remarks on Facebook

恒心綜合法律事務所 2013年9月7日



Koushin Law Firm September 7th 2013

There was a newspaper article about the victims in a personal data leakage on 2chan that they reap what they sow , what kind of post you make anonymously is an act that should be protected by their privacy rights. For the act of identifying the individual contributors in 2channel, I have acquired a temporary injunction yesterday. To post in 2channel is not evil. Toshoku think, or hope, that there is reasoned, constructive and journalism part is 2channel. Any number of times say. I do not hate Hiroyuki. I think there is a part that Hiroyuki has played his role in the early days of the Japanese Internet.
That's why, I would like you to manage in accordance with the compliance.
The secret of communication must be protected.The victim must be treated in a sincere manner.
Power to a voiceless voice.
Let there be a new epoch.
Love to a loveless epoch.

This is the closing phrase that Sonshi often used when he updates his Facebook page. The koushinists were amused by its religious flavor and it became a famous quote.

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