I will kill Karasawa Takahiro
"I will kill Karasawa Takahiro" (in Japanese "唐澤貴洋殺す" (karasawa takahiro korosu)) is a death threat against Karasawa Takahiro and is regarded to be a sacred phrase in Koushinism.
The hexagrammaton is one of the popular phrases for death threats to Lawyer Karasawa Takahiro. It is also called "karakoro" for short.
Another famous phrase used for the same purpose is "karanamé", which stands for "唐澤貴洋弁護士をナイフでメッタ刺しにして殺す"( Karasawa Takahiro bengoshi-wo naifu-de mettazashi-ni site korosu, lit. I will kill Lawyer Karasawa Takahiro by stabbing him with a knife)
Posting death threats in an online BBS is usually treated as a taboo, as you can get arrested from it. However, this is not really the case when it comes to Karakoro. After July 22, 2012, the day the hexagrammaton first appeared on thread title in /livejupiter/, numerous postings of the death threats appeared; it wasn't long before /livejupiter/ users started posting death threats every single day. Unable to handle such a large number of offenses, the police decided to ignore almost all of them and arrest one person every few months. Because of this, Koushinists started to think of death threats as the game of chicken; if you got arrested, that's because you were unlucky. As a result, Koushinists continued to create more than a hundred Karakoro threads every month, until July 13th, 2014, when the manager of 2channel banned the posting of the hexagrammaton itself.
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