
Parody Song Line

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Parody Song Line(替え歌路線; kaeuta rosen) is a way to produce Pakasong by making parodies from other songs.


It is an active line in niconico because making parodies is not so difficult as making original ones or ones by Orpheus. It belongs to the Art Line. Songs usually are about Karasawa Takahiro or Hasegawa Ryota.

Usually, Vocaloids, UTAUs, or Karasawa Takahiroid are used to sing parodies.

The oldest parody is 唐澤貴洋 が 替え歌を歌ってくれたよ「ワールドイズカインド」. This is based on a VOCALOID song "World Is Mine" composed by "ryo."

Representative Parodies