
「Karasawa Takahiro」の版間の差分

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からさん (トーク) による版 28768 を取り消し
(Dwasasa (トーク) による版 28737 を取り消し)
(からさん (トーク) による版 28768 を取り消し)
1行目: 1行目:
{{注意|There is a different person with the same name (see the article on  [[Karasawa Takahiro]](Japanese page)).|image=info.svg}}
T-カルサヴァ 鯉色マッリ E.Z.O. 天草四郎時貞
{{Infobox Person_en
|imgdtl=[[Portrait of Karasawa Takahiro|Portrait]](For the real face image, see [[唐澤貴洋#ご尊顔について|ご尊顔について]])
|渾名='''[[Sonshi]]''', Muno([[Useless]]), Pakadebu

== T-カルサヴァ(鯉色マッリ ◆e2bk7nwnIs) ==
[[小西一郎#Twitterでの発言|TK]]、[[小西一郎#Twitterでの発言|ボギー1]]、[[小西一郎#Twitterでの発言|奴]]、[[唐澤厚史|弟殺し]]、[[ガイジ]]、[[ネットに強い弁護士]]、親のすねかじり虫、[[唐澤貴洋がコーラン燃やしつつムハンマド馬鹿にした|コーラン燃やし]]、うんこ製造機、法廷脱糞ニキ、[[ドルオタパッカマン]]、無能開示マン、守銭奴、[[核兵器|核兵器保有]]、[[武龍]]、KRSW、ベンフェ<ref>弁護士フェイスの意</ref>、唐澤先生、唐澤ニキ、[[たあ坊]]、[[ケレセウェチェケヒル]]、五反田の神、虎ノ門の悪魔、一般男性、ネットに踊らされる弁護士、からさん<ref>[https://archive.today/90JVC FaceBookより]</ref>、○○○○<ref>判例データベースの唐澤貴洋の名前が○○○○に置き換えられていたことが判明したことから。[http://imgur.com/f2uNNDD.jpg 画像]</ref>、河野5B<ref>河野1Aが元ネタで、坂本総合法律事務所時代、A4の用紙とB5の用紙を間違えたから。</ref>、王子<ref>東京第一弁護士会内でもバカにされているらしく、蔭でつけられている綽名。</ref>、[[小関直哉の発言一覧#ニコニコ大百科|おっさん]]、[[弁護士唐澤貴洋弁護士]](BKB)、ホモ会のロイヤルストレートフラッシュ、愛新覚羅不潔<ref>清のラストエンペラーで満州国皇帝の愛新覚羅溥儀と14親等、その弟の愛新覚羅溥傑(あいしんかくら ふけつ)と12親等にあることに由来する。これは男装の麗人こと川島芳子(溥儀と19親等)よりも親等が近い。</ref>、法照大御神<ref>[http://orpheus.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/livejupiter/1431450456/?v=pc 唐澤貴洋だけど質問ある? の>>2]</ref>、便護士、便誤士、うんこの人、K弁護士<ref>同時爆破予告事件の週刊SPA!の取材による</ref>

|住所=Uncertain(refer to [[恒居|Kokyo]](Japanese))
|出生地2=Minato ward<ref name="hp_profile">[http://www.koushin-lawfirm.jp/profile/ Profile on Koushi Law firm]</ref>
|身体=Chubby<ref>[[Ushijima Iiniku]] ([[うしじまいい肉|ja]]) says</ref>, ケツ毛が濃い<ref name="orpheus">[[Orpheus (English)|Orpheus]] "Oi, Karasawa!" ([[おい、唐澤!]])</ref>, Sagging foreskin<ref>[http://www.logsoku.com/search?q=%E5%94%90%E6%BE%A4%E8%B2%B4%E6%B4%8B%E3%81%AE%E3%81%A1%E3%82%93%E3%81%93%E3%81%AE%E7%9A%AE%E3%81%82%E3%81%BE%E3%82%8A%E9%81%8E%E3%81%8E%E3%81%98%E3%82%83%E3%81%AD%EF%BC%9F ログ速 - 唐澤貴洋のちんこの皮あまり過ぎじゃね?]</ref>
|特定経緯= [[Disclosured by himself]] when he requested to disclosure the IP addresses of 2ch users
|関連性=[[ハセカラファミリー一覧#主要人物|Main Characters]]
|職業=Lawyer, 音楽指導<ref>[http://www.oyj.co.jp/topics/dtl_1227 お詫びのご報告] PLAN CHIME, 25 January 2016</ref>
|所属=[[坂本総合法律事務所]]→[[恒心綜合法律事務所]]→[[CROSS LAW FIRM]]<br />第一東京弁護士会<br />アプリ制作会社(役員)
|出身高校={{wpl|東京都立新宿山吹高等学校|Toritsu Shinjuku Yamabuki Highschool}}<ref name="hp_profile" />
|最終学歴= Waseda Univercity Law School<ref name="hp_profile" />
|趣味=Films<ref name="hp_profile" /><ref>[http://www.hou-nattoku.com/lawyers/lawyer_detail.php?lawyer_id=43044 弁護士・法律事務所データベース]</ref>, Listening to music, Rakugo, Idol watching, Walking, Travel, Swiming, Talk with a stranger<ref>[http://www.bengo4.com/tokyo/a_13103/l_137348/ 唐澤 貴洋法律事務所クロス-弁護士ドットコム]</ref> [[#趣味|etc.]]
|贔屓球団= Fukuoka Softbank Hawks, Yokohama DeNA Baystars<ref>[https://www.facebook.com/karasawa.takahiro/sports?cref=4&pnref=lhc refer to facebook]</ref>
|好きなもの=Junior idles, [[世界の終わりも大好きです!|SEKAI NO OWARI]]、[[酒蔵ごたん田|Shuzo Gotanda]](Izakaya), Yamaguchi Prefecture {{wpl|Tsunoshima}}, Sashimi, Shochu, Japanese drawings、{{wpl|寺島実郎}}
|嫌いなもの=[[Nan J民]]、[[A post that dening Toshoku's identity that Toshoku killed Toshoku's little brother]]<ref name="losing_bros">[https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=492969817459967&id=148292528594366 恒心FB、当職の弟を当職が殺したなどという...]</ref>、IAEA
* '''[[Hasegawa Ryota]]'''
* [[うしじまいい肉]]
* [[西村博嗣]]
* [[重光由美]]
* [[唐澤貴洋の依頼人一覧|他]]
* [[唐澤洋]] - Father
* [[唐澤厚子]] - Mother
* [[唐澤厚史]] - Little brother
* [[河野一英]] - Grand parent
* [[唐澤貴洋の親類縁者一覧|他]]
* [[Yamaoka Hiroaki]] - Colleague
* [[小西一郎]] - 元上司
* [[坂本雄三]] - 元上司
* [[立石邦男]] - 元上司
* [[阿部通子]] - 元部下
* [[清水陽平]]・[[神田知宏]]・[[中澤佑一]] -  Coauthor of "[[インターネット上における権利侵害の問題|Problems of infringement on the internet]]"
* [[Oka Masaaki]] - Chairman of Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association that Karasawa Takahiro belongs.
* [[ハセカラファミリー一覧#唐澤貴洋関連の人物|他]]
'''Takahiro Karasawa'''('''唐澤貴洋''',1978/1~3/?-) is an incompetent lawyer. He is an expert in slander measures on the Internet(Pakaben). He belongs to Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association(第一東京弁護士会). Joint representation of Cross Law firm(法律事務所クロス). Born in Tokyo. The owner of nuclear weapons.

He was born at Saiseikai Central Hospital in 1978 and grew up in Setagaya. He went to St. Joseph school after moving to Yokohama.

Later, he returned to Tokyo and went to Housei 2nd junior high school. He had undergone various frustration in his junior high school days.
52 :風吹けば名無し:2013/12/29(日) 19:26:59.02 ID:'''y/Baq6Lm'''
He went to Tokyo metropolitan Shinjuku Yamabuki senior high school. To <del>kill</del> lose his little brother through suicide when Karasawa was 17 years old made him want to create a better world in which everyone was kind to others.

Time passed, and he was admitted to Environmental Information Faculty of Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus. After that he incorporated Integrated Policy Faculty. He learned Information and Communications policy, American politics, Theory of political process and Nationalism in Yoko Hirose's seminar. Those days are his first time of living alone. He chose to study political science, aspiring to solve the social issues, but after studying he felt that Political science had no potential to help weak people right now.
116 :鯉色マッリ ◆e2bk7nwnIs :2013/12/29(日) 21:57:45.33 ID:'''y/Baq6Lm'''
===Struggling against difficulties===
After graduating from Keio University, he pondered to himself everyday about the world we live in. Finally, he aimed to pass the National Bar Examination. He entered Waseda Law School and visited Osgoode Hall Law School in Canada with Shigeo Miyagawa. He step up efforts every day. As a result, he passed the exam.

Finished new 63 term judicial training and to join lawyers. He got employed to Sakamoto Law firm by utilizing Ichiei Kono's connection that friendship between who and Yuzo Sakamoto in Meiji University OB association. But after six months from employment, he retired from Sakamoto Law firm because he came to believe in Aum shinrikyo and got 40298 nuclear weapons. However, according to lawyer Ichiro Konishi, he worked only ten days.
He established Koushin Law firm at Gotanda (Tokyo) in July 4, 2011. After independence, he concentrates on solve problem on internet because there aren't many experts of problem on the Internet. He was appointed officer of app development company in 2014.

He established Cross Law firm with [[Yamaoka Hiroaki]] in February 16, 2015.
20 :鯉色マッリ ◆e2bk7nwnIs :2013/11/29(金) 00:04:21.30 ID:6EMJW0gQ

== Bio ==
287 : 鯉色マッリ ◆e2bk7nwnIs :2013/11/25() 22:08:54.82 ID:QYVnuLI3
* 1978 - He was born in Minato-ku Tokyo.
* Mar. 1990 (12) - He graduated from St. Joseph school.
* Mar. 1993 (15) - He graduated from Housei 2nd junior high school.
ただ ワイは艦これが嫌いだったからアンチ書き込みをした だけや、
* Mar. 1998 (20) - He graduated from Tokyo metropolitan Shinjuku Yamabuki senior high school.
* Apr. 1999 (21) - He was admitted to Environmental Information Faculty of Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus.
* Mar. 2003 (25) - He graduated from Policy Faculty of Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus.
* Apr. 2004 (26) - He was admitted to Waseda Law School.<ref name="waseda">If he was admitted to Waseda Law School and he graduated from it in the shortest.</ref>
* Mar. 2007 (29) - He graduated from Waseda Law School.<ref name="waseda" />
* Jul. 2011 (33) - He established Koushin Law Firm.
* Feb. 2015 (36-37) - He established Cross Law Firm with Yamaoka Hiroaki.

== Explanation ==
677 :鯉色マッリ@転載禁止 ◆e2bk7nwnIs :'''2014/03/04'''(火) 18:14:38.57 ID:pMvhCg9e
=== In the first place, who is Karasawa Takahiro? ===
>>639 せやで 艦これの発展は
All starts from the fact that Hasegawa Ryota identified himself as Yagami Taichi at /livejupiter/ of 2ch BBS.
アフィカス、 艦これまとめを乱立&広告でボロ儲け

He repeated talking himself including tilt and slander while he acted as his handle so he was hated by many BBS user, and he wrote fragmentary information about his day-to-day life to 2ch BBS.For the above reason, NanJ people's hostility concentrated toward him, and they began the uproar to make his personal information well known all over the world and many people blamed him.
He couldn't withstand many abuse for him, so he finally relied on a lawyer, Karasawa Takahiro.
=== After that ===
Karasawa Takahiro had got Hasegawa Ryota's request, and then he applied for request to delete writing that damaged Ryota Hasegawa to the operator of 2ch BBS. At the same time, he requested for disclosure of caller's information (13th disclosure). he showed off his competence to the NanJ people.
== References ==
<references />
{{DEFAULTSORT:Karasawa, Takahiro}}
[[カテゴリ:Karasawa Takahiro]]
