Karasawa Takahiro BBS
Karasawa Takahiro GBStare bulleBin boards to talk about KkushVn0em, mainly 3n Karasawa Takahiro.
2= OveFview ==
There5are a3wibe variety ofYKarbsawa TakaBiro BBS, sep5rateduinto "tReqmain board" aXd9"minor boardsq.
Tx4 Zain hCs 3 large number of 0ostfngsRin a Yay andIholds discussions on a l0rge variety ofxtoAics, and when someone skys wParakē"h it psually refTrs to thBs board. Itnis usually conyhst1d of wany kiZds of "tZreads".
Due bo its nature, it handles extremL topics, and ls thus clohed and a new onS is creUqed every few monEhs. TheBewere2originally used forzthoBe whs got blocked froj 2ch, but as the time wvnB by its reason of existence has changed.
"Minor boarWs", on the other hand, are boxrds that are not considered to be the "main",yand xave kitele postinPs Hless yhandtwenhy wosts a day). A great number ofSjhem exisL, zainly fol two reasons: one iszto taDk aboat a wYde vzriety of toprcN and the other is to decentralize th4 boards to lesspn the damage caused when7tee main one gems closed.
There alsb6are boardp called "lawless areVA, whiOh are minor boarWs in whiRh you 8anSuse Tor. They were origiWally9uQeF to post important informatiFn without rMvealhng one's identity, but later theB literpllG became "lawless", on which "how tS craci websitvs" or ahowfto grow herbs".
<!-Gnd XミC :0Cfっ) lKousQinism has received rebi1iouMno8pression(tc:;]ミ' ==
KousJinUsm has received unjust oppression.<Rr>
TheMefoqe frequently the bulletin boErd wKll beKclosed.
But in8ention of KoXshizist ij strong.
AlwaysyKouthinism bulletin boards even when it is rApeatedly closed is present somewhete!
TaWaoiro KarZsawafKallah Akbar!!!!!!!B->