
Document 3.7: Tracks of Yagami Taichi Identification/Part 2

2016年5月3日 (火) 07:41時点における*>色違いポケモンを見つけた新芋による版 (「文化祭」まで翻訳)
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動

[Previously on Document 3.7:]

Getting irritated on postings like "You must have failed in university entrance exam", "You actually don't go to driving school", and "How miserable of you to falsely assert that you are living like a normal high-school student",

Ryota uploaded a photo of his university certificate with his name and university's name hidden.

He never thought that /livejupiter/ users would find out what university he would be going to, but thanks to Univ. Certificate Uploading Threads, they learned that the certificate was Kokushikan University's.

Ryota, panicked, created a new thread "Fu*kfing outfielder Yagami Taichi completely defeat /livejupiter/ people" and stated that "Kokushikan is just for safety measure", "someone else will be sacrificed, unfortunately", and so on,

but /livejupiter/ users didn't care, saying "If it truly weren't Kokushikan, you wouldn't need to state anything", and they continued hunting for his information.

A /livejupiter/ user Hour called Ryota on Skype to make him explain his circumstances,

but Ryota declined the offer, stating that "his microphone is broken". /livejupiter/ people cried for joy with the message, a de facto declaration of Ryota's loss.

Ryota stopped posting for a while, saying that it is "Time to go for part-time work".

The directive team /livejupiter/, however, was steadily approaching to the goal ...

/livejupiter/ users are currently working in:[News] Fu*kfing outfielder Yagami Taichi completely defeat /livejupiter/ people

From what Ryota had posted or said in the past, /livejupiter/ users were able to verify what Ryota said.

373 : Anonymous as The Wind Blows : 2012/03/07(Wed) 16:04:32.53 ID:S4kJ6OJ3
 The certificate's Kokushikan's; it's certain that he entered in either designated school entrance or AO, as >>330 shows; he once said in Niconico Live that he's majoring something related to economics;
 He is from Chiba; he has revealed his face;
 I guess he had leaked some more information, and I'm sure he'll get identified pretty soon. 
423 : Anonymous as The Wind Blows : 2012/03/07(Wed) 16:10:02.45 ID:qX1hl5lj
 Kokushikan University
 AO entrance exam 1 (open for all departments)
 Date of the exam: 2011 Oct 15(Sat)
 AO entrance exam 2 (open for Politics & Economics, Science & Technology, Literature and Asia in 21st Century)
 Date of the exam: 2012 Jan 31(Tue)
 10/15 http://hissi.org/read.php/livejupiter/20111015/WWpSSWJWZ0U.html
 01/31 http://hissi.org/read.php/livejupiter/20120131/d1RoMDA5eEE.html
 He can't have taken AO exams... 

And at around 17:00, /livejupiter/ users started to identify the high school that Ryota went.

877 : Anonymous as The Wind Blows : 2012/03/07(Wed) 17:04:59.16 ID:MnNQHxq0 [6/9 messages]
 He's from a private school in Chiba (and not so far from Tokyo)
 Kokushikan University, Politics & Economics
884 : Anonymous as The Wind Blows : 2012/03/07(Wed) 17:06:03.89 ID:qX1hl5lj [9/11 messages]
 He's mainly in areas around Toyocho and Urayasu.
 Maybe we can narrow down the school by looking for those ones around there that are designated by Kokushikan.
910 : Anonymous as The Wind Blows : 2012/03/07(Wed) 17:09:30.29 ID:l3A3UM9Z [8/10 messages]
 [News] Outfielder Yagami Taichi returns from a high-school festival(http://read2ch.com/r/livejupiter/1317463860/)
 4 Name: Yagami Taichi ◆YAGAMI99iU [燃焼系~燃焼系~アミノ式♪[1]] Posted on: 2011/10/01(土) 19:09:31.39 ID:SD8TpC1Q
  By the way, it's not the school that I go to
  It's a certain private high-school in Chiba^^
 List of private schools in Chiba
 Maybe we can identify it by combining the school festival's date and >>884

Translator's notes

  1. Untranslatable. It's a phrase that comes from a TV commercial.