Because I'm not discomfort
Because I'm not discomfort(俺は嫌な思いしてないから) is One of the remarks of Hasegawa Ryota.
The idea itself is not psychological state is the great difference of 2ch residents.
But this is there is a precondition that they are not fighting back to absolute for anonymity.
Used the handle name was turned into a big boomerang in him.
Therefore, this became the words to justify the attack to Hasegawa Ryota.
322 : 風吹けば名無し[] : 投稿日:2012/03/07 01:16:04 ID:hFFU/muO [1/1回] さっさと寝ろよ これを機会にコテ辞めるのもいいだろ 皆嫌な思いするだけだし
330 八神太一 ◆YAGAMI99iU [-だから今、僕はここにいる-]:2012/03/07(水)01:18:42.87ID:2PutaGbC >>322 俺は嫌な思いしてないから それにお前らが嫌な思いをしようが俺の知った事ではないわ だって全員どうでもいい人間だし 大袈裟に言おうがお前らが死んでもなんとも思わん それはリアルでの繋がりがないから つまりお前らに対しての情などない
322 : 風吹けば名無し[] : 投稿日:2012/03/07 01:16:04 ID:hFFU/muO [1/1回] Just go to bed And it's probably good to make use of this opportunity, drop the handle (name) You're just making everyone feel unpleasant
Hasegawa Ryota ignores the advice.
330 八神太一 ◆YAGAMI99iU [-だから今、僕はここにいる-]:2012/03/07(水)01:18:42.87ID:2PutaGbC >>322 Because I'm not discomfort And what if I make any of you feel unpleasant, it's of no concern to me You guys don't mean anything to me And really, I wouldn't care if you all died There's no real-life connection (between us) so I don't have feelings for you
Then he will be published the address on the net.
He has received a variety of attacks from 2012 to the present.
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