「Because I'm not discomfort」の版間の差分

はせのみわ (トーク) による版 68320 を取り消し
(はせのみわ (トーク) による版 68320 を取り消し)
1行目: 1行目:
<strong>Because I'm not discomfort(俺は嫌な思いしてないから)</strong> is One of the remarks of [[Hasegawa Ryota]].
== Overview ==
The idea itself is not psychological state is the great difference of 2ch residents.<br>
But this is there is a precondition that they are not fighting back to absolute for anonymity.<br>
Used the handle name was turned into a big boomerang in him.<br>
Therefore, this became the words to justify the attack to Hasegawa Ryota.<br>
322 : {{2n|風吹けば名無し}}[] : 投稿日:2012/03/07 01:16:04 ID:hFFU/muO [1/1回]
330 {{2n|八神太一|sage}}<font style="color: blue"> ◆YAGAMI99iU</font> [-だから今、僕はここにいる-]:2012/03/07(水)01:18:42.87ID:2PutaGbC
322 : {{2n|風吹けば名無し}}[] : 投稿日:2012/03/07 01:16:04 ID:hFFU/muO [1/1回]
Just go to sleep
And it's probably good to make use of this opportunity, drop the handle (name)
You're just making everyone feel unpleasant.
Hasegawa Ryota ignores the advice.
330 {{2n|八神太一|sage}}<font style="color: blue"> ◆YAGAMI99iU</font> [-だから今、僕はここにいる-]:2012/03/07(水)01:18:42.87ID:2PutaGbC
<strong>Well I'm not the one pissed off</strong>
And what if I make any of you feel unpleasant, it's of no concern to me.
You guys don't mean anything to me.
And really, I wouldn't care if you all died.
There's no real-life connection (between us)
so I don't have feelings for you.
Then he will be published the address on the net.<br>
He has received a variety of attacks from 2012 to the present.
[[Category:Hasegawa Ryota]]