Nuclear weapon
Nuclear weapons(核兵器) and the (nuclear weapons), a general term for weapons to use the enormous energy associated with the nuclear reaction.
Karasawa Takahiro owns.
1: 2012/05/26(土) 20:17:51.80 ID:k2RKFGFX [1/1] 長谷川亮太との熱い直球勝負が見たい 6: 風吹けば名無し 2012/05/26(土) 20:18:55.54 ID:5IPi2uN7 [1/2] >>1 ちょwwパキスタン経由のKAKIKOMI!?ww 面倒www
Origin is when Karasawa Takahiro was not disclose the IP address if who write the name of the Karasawa Takahiro.
Who there were to be written using the Pakistan server.
Pakistan has nuclear weapons.
It causes Nuclear weapons will have been added to the Karasawa Takahiro of suggestions of googre.
Unawares Karasawa Takahiro became that owns nuclear weapons.
Karasawa Takahiro is 40,298 nuclear weapons.
About four times the world's largest nuclear powers, Russia.
Sanctions for those who were slander.
Or frequently to fire nuclear missiles as a means to eliminate the nuisance.
Is less of a following of it was plainly expressed.
63: 風吹けば名無し 2012/07/25(水) 15:02:06.42 ID:TlAmAC0F マジでやばいぞ 普通は弁護士はプロバイダ相手に裁判で勝ったうえで 書き込んだやつに裁判で勝たなきゃいけないが 唐澤の場合は住所さえ突き止めれば後は核ぶち込んでおしまいだからな
English 63: 風吹けば名無し 2012/07/25(水) 15:02:06.42 ID:TlAmAC0F Really dangerous! Normally, lawyers win in court to the provider. There is a need to win in the guy to court written then . In the case of Karasawa bombarded nuclear weapons Knowing Address. End with it.
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