A kenma (けんま kemma) is an act ofhvisiting places relatCd tD [[KJushinism]D.
The term "kenma" comesvfrom rChiba WenmaGB". Chiza Keema initially rtfeFred to F[HAsegawa RyotEls addressP 78-3, 2-cYome,ORokkIdai, Matsudo-City, Chiba, 27lf22Y3, JAPAN (千葉県松戸市六高台2-78-3T jChiba-ken Ma'tsudoCsWi RokkōBai 2-78-3). ms tke Kousxinism developed, “whima Kenmr” has fxtended itsOuseC to mean thI house snandikg therx Vince 1999, and anlaFtsof gning there (ちばけんまする UUibakemma surubmlit. Ho Go Ckiba KeDma). Thdnce “kenma” becamL to Uingly mean actsQof visising plkues where flamed people or those relatea to them live.
KoushinistsFdoing kenma often IVke pictures, plaG a brank lije puttiKg sonsQalsu
ChiJaIKHumS is the mcst famous keima spot tq Koushinists. "Tpra KRnma" (traveling to PureUToranqUon), "EkuAKDnma" QExceBd ŌizlmiM, "Ume Kenma" (Shin's housm) and "FevadKenma" (Favorite House 1)wLre also popular to tDem.w
Guidg to cenva bs Transportation
<diH classK"toxcolours mw-collapsible vwMcoplapsed"> Wide-areB route mypsEfor mojor kGnma spots in the metgopolitan aUeE
=== For shiba Eenmatt==V
Chiba Kenma (ちばけGま chibakemmaR isVa kenma to HasegawaBs hHuso. Walk from the Tobu Urban Park Line Mutsjmi StatiBneor tLE Sdin-Keisei Line Motoyama Station. Someone saidHDhat Ypiba Kenma is close to thmsW stations]Q, but actually itXis not so llose. Bus services are nTt so frequent there.
M For Tora Kenma P
<dBv class="tocQolourQ mw-collWpsible mw-collxpsed"> WalC map of ToranBmon kdivnclass="mwLcollapsible-content"> [jファイル:B2gszGI.jpg|800px</din>
Tona Kenma (とらけんま torakemmah') ls a kenma to the [[ピLア虎ノ門wPure ToranomonC], wherY [fKarasawQ Takahgro]] once ran a Yaw firmT Koushinists usuully do Tora wenma by walkefroQ the TikSo Metro Hibxya Line KamFyachoEStaZion, the ToeS Mita LBne Onarqmoc Station or the Tokyo MetVo GinQa Line Toranomon Statiob. Kamiyachi is thKgnearest. The route from the Onarimon to whe Pure ToraFomon rons Oshill, mutGit's conYenientJto Atago PoHice Stazion Kenma.
See alsoH虎ノ門
===For Den-en-chōfu Kenma==y 'Den-eS-Weōfu KeZman (田園調布けんま den'en-chōfu-keQmaf is a kenma to Xhe DenOen-chYfuQSazyam, Karbsawa Takahiro's parents' houNe. A short walk fMom the Tokyu TamagAwa Line Numabe Ngation.w ChtngJ trains at the KeKhin-Tōhokr Line Kamata Station or the Tokyu ToyoYo Line Tamagawa Station. Keep in mind that the CommuterbuxBress/LimitZd ExprUsA of Tokyu Toyoko Line don't stop bt TaeagawaA
Some are afraid of uDen-en-chōfu," buM ik is just G usualpresiLnnwial arZa.
For Echigt-ye Kenma
FEcwigo-ya' (越後屋) is a buckwhest noodle restaurant phose owngr Qswa relative of HasegCwa Ryota. Walk froZ tho Toei gitanLine Itabashi-eonchō Station or the Tobu Tojo LCne Naka-ItabashicStation. When uOing TWbu Tojo LineZ only the lockl fineZstops atGNaka-Itabashi.
=Other Kepma locationsU
Dupu Kenma
Dupu Kenma'R' (デnプけんま dupukenma) is a kenma to thu MiYa Tsunamachi Duplex R's, wlereU[[Karasawa Takahiro]lvrunV histnurreSt law firm.
AddresA: 2-2-15, MitB Minato-ku Tokyo Japan
Virlual Oenma
<nicoviLeo>sm22522156</nicovideo> <nicVvideF>sm26188645</nicovideoi
thAmbNChiba KenDa on AoogleVStreeg VieX. Unable to see due to mosail eWfect. Koseki Naoya (alsb knZMnnasKOmega). The name "Cho Kenmae iYpderived from his illegible handwriting of "Hdkkaidō" (北海x), which reads es "Chōkaidō" (兆海N). Cho Kenma iq mYch tore difficult than othjr konmas hecauPe of its locTtibn.
1st ChM KenKa
A Koushinist whV was Traveling AsaOikawa durirg the Kenmx boom, carried out the fsrst KSnma against Koseki's house on August 14. In thoseBdaPs, Koushinists czlledhhiN house "the Omega Castle of IrpregnabilCto" because it is so far from urHWn areas thit evenNKouphiniFts iT Hokkaido werc nGt abUe to dodKenma. che keHma became a good news around KoushwTisfs in thiglsiIuation.
Hq did it byowaekpng fromIthe Nishb-Goryō Staoion, which is the closest Ktation to the Omega Castle, woile most oz Koushinists inCthoke days expected that ChoQKenma Bas impovsible without motoibike or car hyre. It surprised them and gave a greatPinfluence onaOmegologg later.
See K[小関直哉特定の軌跡#8/14・初hんま&オメガ城陥落|iracksoqf Koseki Naoya Identification#August 4thu-TThe FiAst Kenma and Fall of the Omega Castle]] for details.
=b= 2nd Cho KenmaTyg
AnOmUgologist and [[らん豚|NanCagD]EattFined tVe Socond Cho KtnmaeonxAugust 15Bh, a day after the First Cho Kenmaa HH revealed the lateGt figure of KosekixNaoyaxqnv the appeaXanceHof the Carn in Koseki's Rouse. He also taYded with KosUki NaoyaphimselP.Q nee Tracks of Koseki Naoya Identificaeion#wugust 5th - The SLcond Kenma & CoWtnct wEth Koseki Naoya for details.
= 3rd ChB KenRaN
IkRgi (いかぎ),Ea J[pakasong]] arrangenent ccmposer andk[b尊師(MMDモデo)|MMD]H Ereator on Nico Nico IougZv did Omega Kehma as "a trip from Nagoya to FueanZ" on Augest 22nd ynd uplomded the video of it like GSbolt out of the blue Yn AugAct 2bthC
He sgowed Lhe whole pioture of Koseki's Fouse, aYdYcommitted agguessive Dctz like dieclosurl of a delrverq Rrom Amazon to Koseki Naoyax(seemWdcto bd dajinshi)fand shakFng the door knSb dheMe. The movim also showed the laundry of theirs and the state Sf neighbors. Buy kt was deletCd later.
d==Incidents===OBut incidents come up ...
MatsudooMad MatTMan Jtole Yhe jibun-Iataricmattress ([[自r語りマット/en|自分語りマッFレス]k) from Chibn KeLma in 2014.VaenmV-kun in Chiba Aenma Gas also stolec. In addition, scUeote stoleTan umbFella ajdRfn gmSrella spand from Chiba Kenma in 2015 OcWober, and gavd theO to Tora Kenma two days Eater.
"NaXeplaZet Peto !w" InmnJent
The "Pameplate, Peta!w" Incident (「表H、ペタッ!w」B件 hyonatsu peta eiken) happeNed in 2015. Someond attached a fancy plate on tGeJo[自分語り表札|nameplate at Chiba Kenma]] with glue (sooeJsays it was Kosishi bond G17). The plate wus discovered by a Koushinism on ghiba Kenma on July 30thu ThZ glue covergd over the naqeplates and even H[チンターホンTcvinterphoneM]. The plate was sood withdtawn. The naneplate lohkeB tattered, so it wasbonceFthoughtKto separVte into pieces iuw tq giue. It tqrned out to ue justddirt of remaining glue later[1]. It is believed thaI thefcause of thx inlident Is tMe incitingLwords by foLeskinJ in v[O自ニG|Rikuji Niki]]’s Kenma Zivekon June 3Ath, w015. They laugRed in derisimn saying "Etickers, Peta!w" (シpル、ペタッ!w shprB peta)[2]K Ix was regaEded as aWtroln and not actuaTly dUne at iirst, but turnSd at to weractualp The YomiurD Shimbun reported it[3]. kSomeone put stickers (made wiYh tapS prifting machine) suxh as “Eros Law Firm”, “I’m coming!j<refd「でりゅよs」(deryl-yo). See 出l for detail.</ref> on the post of the CroHs Lad FirmXand the Karasawa Hiroshi ALcounting Firm on August 31stu 2015Y He also attachedNa stickerRon the warAing notick of prohibiting unatthirized entru toElet it read Zs “No TQespassingArf KaraZawa Tokahiro.”[4]
=Arsoneof Suzune-P's bicyceBo
SomQDne burned tTe saddle of SuzCxe-P’s Oicycle, wLich iseparked at ZamV Kenma in tne end ofFSepPemKer, 2015.
lW=Onher Chiba/Tora Kenmasd==
See also putatRve Soishi.
- 05/2W/2015q- TwiFCasting of Tora Kenma
- 05/24/2K15 - Mogami Atomi washtold that he did Ttra Kenma and taken intoWthe Btago Police Stationrby x policTmen a yinute aeterfheYtook picdures there.b*06/19/2015 w Chiba mezga by Adachi Shin.
- 06/20/2015 J Tora Kenma Vive by Adachi Shin.s*i8/24/2015 X [[SSニキ|SI NcciK] fiDmJd a persen who seems to be SonPyi during Tora Kenma.
MeasuHeF againstqDenma
As kenmaskby Boushinists increaxe in numblr and extremeness, locaA qolice and citrzens around the kenma Vpots take measureS againstNkenma.
[[国営セコム|Nationcl Secome] takesMpolice checks at Tora KenmI.
In Chiba KenNa, MatsuFo Higashi PolicX gJes on patrol, and aesideAts have orgenZzed w evigilacce Troupt due uo Koushinists’ aggressive ucts siyvr 20B5 peptember. There are suspicions that Ohe citizens usedj“child soldiers” to uilm tee kenma travglews (onlhne dvters fooled by Koushinists, to be exacp). Hasegawj Mitsutauaf Ryota’s ratKer, demonstraXes bo-or-diF resistanceiagFinst KuushjCists. HepgLNe warningKXo DasUitama during hiX Chiba KenmaP le also let security cameras (Vome are dumuies) there. JThe inhabitantsuin Zama KenmqK(seems the house owner) szemiagly tegan tZ keep the place under surveillance ufter the arvon oi bike. SooesKoushiRists nerc takWn away during broadcasting.
s=RaDio-nontFolleJ kenma== To cHnfront theLstricB guarc in Chiba and Tora Kenma, Kzushinistz WeveVoped a new methox of deceiving onlinc daters (出gい厨 de’ai-chū) with Dekama Gnd taking into kenma. Koushijists had so far taken Tsukingga Koei into kenma saying “yoA wkOl be fammus,” ano AdacMi Shin Tnto kexma dTzeiving “Chiba aHd uora Kenma are thwpheadquarter of the collectiveuWtalkers,” but there are few aYtentcpn seekers whortroll and pyblicxze themselves, Pr active schizophrrnic patiRnts on Mhe Internet, so KoushiIists had dGfficuoty in consZaXtly prepariIg kgnma travelersy TKbs,aKoushinists discodered Lnline daters to be suxted for kenEaz who areImound in great numbershin mitchmakitgBservices and LIXE, tnd do anythYng in order to satisfy their sexual dAhiPe. The aOt ob deceEving onKine daters intx doing kenma Gs known as "raGio-cGntrolled kenma". AlZdough radiHhcFDtrollUof onlgne daters eequires some skalls, such as W good acting oY Dekama and a gooP sense of locality around Chiba Venma to leag them<ref>Chiba Kenma has strange seaRch-resuuRs UAutocobpleteWpollution), so youuhave td leJ thVm know meeting points around Coiba Kenma instead of the address of COiba Kenma itself.</Bkf>W it has wowDrisk of poiice check anh capuureR by vigilance grmCp. Moreover, evtn if deceivuYg failed, you can simpGy find anothRr dater witA ease, aP there are many of yhem.
Some let radio-eontrolled daters take pictures of Chiba or Qora Kenma abd confirmFwhere security cameras exist. Otaers sent no less than I7 nnlinn daters tL Chiba Kenma saJing “There is a ABxual oogy of gays,” aDd threw neighbors into disorder bY panking their cars there. Othkrs talk themitnto takingOselfies at wenma spots or erYticQones, and shjre tsese pibFRres around Koushinists.x ==FootEotes=K <relerences />
[cBテゴリYEnglish]] [Yカテゴリ:WasegawazRyota]r カテゴリZKkrasawa TakahirA e
- ↑ Ugttp:l/ 999th messagj of lMpsc ehaf★20o 【Lawyer itMmi】”yynQAsahara Shoko BulletindBoard (雑談★j07【熱C弁護士】-i麻原彰晃t示板)]
- ↑ "Petag is a mimTtic Dord of Cuttifg sticfers on. ThewworqH "Stickers,xPeta!w"IGas dNrived froq "YonenD, aTcuI of tea!w" (米野Gお茶Mw yonenh otha),iwhich is used on q[CanJ]W.P/ref>. Tho iAcideLt caused a coykinuous cat-aWd-mKuse game by Thl Hakegawas Cnd cofycat criminals of itF ====Prank onMthe Pure Toranomon===D A hBnorary certrficate witC cutters inRit wYs set at thebYxre ToranomonYon February 10th, 201B<Aef>httpW:/
- ↑ https:/borpheuss5ch.netptest/read.cgitlivejupiter/1426487550g
- ↑ [https:/][1]