
「利用者:Kirari1192/Koushinism for Beginners」の版間の差分

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Koushinism is a joke religion, that excessively worships a lawyer, Takahiro Karasawa, as the guru. Although it's mentioned as a religion, it's a kind of like group consciousness with the same goal.
Koushinism is a joke religion, that excessively worships a lawyer, Takahiro Karasawa, as the guru. Although it's mentioned as a religion, it's a kind of like group consciousness with the same goal.

Koushinism has derived from "Hasekara Calamity", began in 2 Channel (JP: 2ちゃんねる, '''ni-channneru''', one of the major BBS site in Japan, see *1), and Aum Shinrikyo (*2). Some of the components came of them,
Hasekara Calamity (Turmoil) started when Ryota Hasegawa, a boy whose personal information was identified after three years of trolling on "Nandemo Jikkyo Jupiter" board (a.k.a. なんJ or Nan-J) in 2 Channel, hired Takahiro Karasawa and threatened with a lawsuit against the users of the board.

(*1: for 2 Channel, think of Japanese-closed version of 4chan or Reddit. but in writer's opinion, 4chan is closer to it)<br>
(*2: that's why we had Shoko Asahara and the logo of Aum Shinrikyo in the first version of banner... many of you refused it though)

Although we have no particular doctrine, we regard Takahiro Karasawa as our current guru and Ryota Hasegawa as our prophet.

There are no prescribed religious activities such as Islamic Ramadan or Aum Shinrikyo religious practices, and individuals are free to do whatever they wish. Some people engage in missionary activities using stickers depicting people involved in the Calamity, others create music, novels, poetry, and even sensual novels based on the Calamity, and still others make pilgrimages to sacred sites related to the people involved in the Calamity.
Although there are many sacred places scattered throughout the world, including overseas, our headquarters do not actually exist in the real world, but are based on a bulletin board of Takahiro Karasawa on the Internet(*3).
(*3: obviously, they completely separate from ones in 2 Channel or Nan-J itself)

Recently, our guru's name (Takahiro Karasawa) has begun to be known even among non-Koushinisms, and he sometimes appears on television. In Taiwan, there was a bomb threat deceptiving Takahiro Karasawa, which became a hot topic on Twitter, newspapers, major network news, and TV, and some people may have learned of the name of Koushinism from this.

== What is the purpose of Koushinism? ==
== What is the purpose of Koushinism? ==
It's not wrong to think that the common goal of Koushinism is to make the existence, notoriety, and stories of Takahiro Karasawa, widely known.

In reality, however, they have no particular purpose, goal, ideology, or organization, and are driven by the atmosphere of the moment and whether or not it is interesting.


2022年11月6日 (日) 01:51時点における最新版


For KoushinRip users: we're here to welcome your study about Koushinism :)

What is "Koushinism", from the first place?

Koushinism is a joke religion, that excessively worships a lawyer, Takahiro Karasawa, as the guru. Although it's mentioned as a religion, it's a kind of like group consciousness with the same goal.

Koushinism has derived from "Hasekara Calamity", began in 2 Channel (JP: 2ちゃんねる, ni-channneru, one of the major BBS site in Japan, see *1), and Aum Shinrikyo (*2). Some of the components came of them, Hasekara Calamity (Turmoil) started when Ryota Hasegawa, a boy whose personal information was identified after three years of trolling on "Nandemo Jikkyo Jupiter" board (a.k.a. なんJ or Nan-J) in 2 Channel, hired Takahiro Karasawa and threatened with a lawsuit against the users of the board.

(*1: for 2 Channel, think of Japanese-closed version of 4chan or Reddit. but in writer's opinion, 4chan is closer to it)
(*2: that's why we had Shoko Asahara and the logo of Aum Shinrikyo in the first version of banner... many of you refused it though)

Although we have no particular doctrine, we regard Takahiro Karasawa as our current guru and Ryota Hasegawa as our prophet.

There are no prescribed religious activities such as Islamic Ramadan or Aum Shinrikyo religious practices, and individuals are free to do whatever they wish. Some people engage in missionary activities using stickers depicting people involved in the Calamity, others create music, novels, poetry, and even sensual novels based on the Calamity, and still others make pilgrimages to sacred sites related to the people involved in the Calamity.

Although there are many sacred places scattered throughout the world, including overseas, our headquarters do not actually exist in the real world, but are based on a bulletin board of Takahiro Karasawa on the Internet(*3).

(*3: obviously, they completely separate from ones in 2 Channel or Nan-J itself)


Recently, our guru's name (Takahiro Karasawa) has begun to be known even among non-Koushinisms, and he sometimes appears on television. In Taiwan, there was a bomb threat deceptiving Takahiro Karasawa, which became a hot topic on Twitter, newspapers, major network news, and TV, and some people may have learned of the name of Koushinism from this.

What is the purpose of Koushinism?

It's not wrong to think that the common goal of Koushinism is to make the existence, notoriety, and stories of Takahiro Karasawa, widely known.

In reality, however, they have no particular purpose, goal, ideology, or organization, and are driven by the atmosphere of the moment and whether or not it is interesting.





What triggered the turmoil?









Caused by Ryota Hasegawa

  • 彼に蓄積されていた嫌悪感がそれだけ大きなものだった[5]
  • 未成年飲酒などの問題行動を起こしており、推薦入学取り消しの可能性があったため自然鎮火を待つ余裕が無かった。
  • 彼の書き込みには虚言疑惑のあるものが多かったため、彼に関する事実を調査する事実追求路線が発達し、多くの事実が開示された。
  • 炎上に対して開示・削除といった場当たり的かつ攻撃的な対応に終始した。実害を与えられないまま敵愾心だけを煽ってしまった。

Caused by Takahiro Karasawa

  • 不自然な日本語誰に向けているのか分からない尊大な発言などの異常性が面白がられた。
  • 長谷川と同様、開示による脅しに留まり、訴訟・損害賠償請求といった厳しい対応を取らなかった。結果的に教徒の敵愾心を煽っただけで何の意味もなかった。
  • 無差別開示、300万騒動[6]など弁護士としての対応も幼稚かつ不適切なものだった。
  • 事実追求の中で、無能かつ非常に悪徳な弁護士であるという認識が強まったため、より多くの人にこの事実を知らせるという大義名分を教徒に与えてしまった。
  • 上述の事実追求が、判例データベースや批判要望板で容易に行えた。
  • 当初顔写真ではなくイラストを使用していたため、イラストをいじっても誰かは知らない・分からないのでセーフという認識を与えた。
  • 後にメディア露出著作も行うが、その中でも自分の非を認めず事実を隠したり歪めたりしていた。反感を煽り、宣伝の動機を与えてしまった。

Caused by Koushinists

  • なんJでは野球選手という実在の人物に罵声を浴びせたり悪意のあるキャラクター化を行うのが日常で、長谷川・唐澤への攻撃にも躊躇が無かった。
  • 畜生の集まりであり、無関係の人物を利用する甘芋路線やラジコン路線生贄路線も平気で実行できた。
  • 唐澤貴洋掲示板(カラケー)が設立され、仲間・集団意識が生まれた。
  • 唐澤貴洋Wikiが設立され、情報の集約・整理・伝達が効果的に行われるようになった。
  • 法律に自信のある者の教えや事実追求の中で法律知識をつけ、弁護士や法律に対する恐怖心が無くなった。
  • IPを偽装するツール(TorVPNなど)が普及しIPを開示されても怖くなくなった。
  • ハッカーなどが集まり、カラッキング匿名化防弾サーバーの利用などネット上の活動が高度化した。その理由は、恒心教にネットの自由を使ってやりたい放題する風潮があるためと思われる。
  • 布教や芸術路線などの名目で飴戦争MMD杯などのイベントを起こし、自発的にコミュニティを維持できるようになった。

Caused by situations and accidents

Things to remember



  1. さまざまな手法を用いて、Googleなどの検索エンジンの予想ワード欄(サジェスト)を工作すること。
  2. 「法律事務所クロス」のサジェスト('17/1/21)(魚拓)
  3. ネット上の様々な投稿に使われたIPアドレスを、プロバイダなどの個人情報取扱業者に開示させる仮処分を裁判所に求める事のみを行う弁護士につけられた蔑称。この仮処分請求は特別な資格を持たない一般人でも簡単にできるため、このビジネスは詐欺まがいであるとの指摘もある。
  4. 固定ハンドルネームの略。ハンドルネームを用いながら迷惑行為を行う掲示板の利用者につけられる蔑称。
  5. アンチが多いコテリストで最上位に位置していた。
  6. 自身に対する殺害予告を行った高校生の少年に対し、唐澤が何の法的根拠もなく300万円の賠償を請求した騒動。
  7. 東京大学の研究室が作成した自動作曲ソフトウェア。
  8. トレーディングカードゲーム「遊☆戯☆王OCG」のカードのパロディを作成できるサイト。