「List of remarks of Karasawa Takahiro/Twitter」の版間の差分
*>色違いポケモンを見つけた新芋 細 (いろいろ微修正) |
*>色違いポケモンを見つけた新芋 ("produce me"だと「私を生み出す」の意味にしかならないので修正) |
437行目: | 437行目: | ||
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Thank you for | Thank you for becoming my music producer, Ms. Ushijima Iiniku! I also love the end of the world! | ||
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2016年4月4日 (月) 16:03時点における版
List of remarks of Takahiro Karasawa in Twitter of Koshin Law Firm, without advertisements, ReTweets, etc.
September 28
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/119022029130313729 |
I read a book that is authored by Takashi Shinomiya, the lawyer whom I respect. |
尊敬する弁護士の四宮隆史先生による著書を拝読。 |
October 7
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/122320477040558081 |
☆★☆Introduction of restaurant in Gotanda☆★☆ |
☆★☆五反田 名店紹介☆★☆ |
November 6
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/132835977155706880 |
When I was a graduate student, I had an opportunity to met Mr. Kenji Utsunomiya, the current president of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations. |
大学院時代,宇都宮健児先生(現日弁連会長)とお会いする機会があった。 |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/132836320753098752 |
Anyone suffers a setback. |
誰だって挫折はある。 |
- First apperance of "Subete no hito tono deai ni kansha."(すべての人との出会いに感謝。). Koshinists use a shorted form "Dekan"(出感) to mean "thank you".
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/132836755220078594 |
I met various kind of people for work. |
仕事柄様々な人に出会う。 |
March 20
- This tweet made inspiration for "Defecation in the highway bus".
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/182099338946818049 |
Yesterday I met my contemporaries in Kyusyu, |
昨日は九州の同期に会い、 |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/182100350566801408 |
Days that I find, through jobs, that meeting people makes me grow. Tomorrow I'll have some legal cases but I'll devote all my energy. |
仕事をしていて、人との出会いが自分を成長させてくれることを感じる日々。明日も複数件の訴訟案件があるが全力投球。 |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/182101047966310400 |
Losing my little brother in my youth is all the starting point of mine. There was a feeling of helplessness. Why was I helpless so much. I spent days asking that to myself. The thing I finally met was a law. |
弟を青春時代に失ったことが全ての基点だった。自分の無力感。なぜこんなに無力なんだ。自問自答する日々。最終的に出会ったのが法律だった。 |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/182101857555054592 |
When I spent such times, films healed my mind. I couldn't stop weeping when I saw "Cinema Paradiso". Films show me the world that I didn't have. I was a boy who always believed to became strong. |
そんなとき癒してくれたのが映画。ニューシネマパラダイスを見たときに涙が止まらなかった。映画は自分にない世界を見せてくれた。強くなりたいいつもそう思ってる少年だった。 |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/182103050851323904 |
It's strange but I was the boy who love non-fiction. Reading books authored by Takashi Tachibana, Naoki Inose, Kotaro Sawaki, Atsushi Yamagiwa was a good experience. |
変わっているけどノンフィクションが好きな少年だった。立花隆、猪瀬直樹、沢木耕太郎、山際淳司の著作をを読んだことは血となり肉となっている。 |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/182219552812306432 |
[March 20] Gathered today's tweeets. "Yesterday I met my contemporaries in Kyusyu, and we held farewell party for my contemporaries at Institute of Justice. I was stimulated by making effort of every..." http://blog.goo.ne.jp/koushinlawfirm/e/20ec0830fa8e2eb31548055fbf7c8c57 |
[03月20日]のつぶやきをまとめました 「昨日は九州の同期に会い、司法研修所同期の送別会。皆頑張っていて刺激を受け...」 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/koushinlawfirm/e/20ec0830fa8e2eb31548055fbf7c8c57 |
July 31
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/362559735704199168 |
We can advice on the people who are in trouble unable to exchange point for money on My Account(http//www.myaccount.jp). Koshin Law Firm |
My Account(http//www.myaccount.jp)でポイント換金できなくてお困りの方ご相談にお乗りします。恒心綜合法律事務所 |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/362706161063043072 |
[July 31]Gathered today's tweets. http://blog.goo.ne.jp/koushinlawfirm/e/92053b78b9c247112c1d893cd31b3ca5 |
[07月31日]のつぶやきをまとめました http://blog.goo.ne.jp/koushinlawfirm/e/92053b78b9c247112c1d893cd31b3ca5 |
April 25
- First apperance of "Mi ga furueru"(身が震える)。Koshinists use it to mean "(it) makes me shudder" when they see terrible or scary things.
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/459702108640403456 |
I received a book of Mr. Keiichi Yagi's "Ransom of quadrillion yen", and read it. The problem of Japan that we are facing is depicted head-on. It made me shudder. |
八木圭一先生の「一千兆円の身代金」(宝島社)をいただき、拝読しました。日本のいま我々が直面している問題について、真っ正面から描いており、身が震える。 |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/459826400267350017 |
[April 25] Gathered today's tweets. A tweet that got ReTweeted the most is "I received a book of Mr.Keiichi Yagi's "Ransom of quadrillion yen", and read it. The problem of Ja..." http://blog.goo.ne.jp/koushinlawfirm/e/359cb97cd36dfa2e1a6d955454413f0c #gbrt |
[04月25日]のつぶやきをまとめました 1番RTされたつぶやきは「八木圭一先生の「一千兆円の身代金」(宝島社)をいただき、拝読しました。日...」 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/koushinlawfirm/e/359cb97cd36dfa2e1a6d955454413f0c #gbrt |
May 24
- One of the famous "poem" of Karasawa Takahiro.
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/469955739755106305 |
By what kind of parents |
どのような親に |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/469956275002830848 |
How pleasant feeling did it gave to you |
それは君の気持ちにどのような快感を与え |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/469956678624882688 |
Could you see straight for the face of police officer who came to you on a day |
ある日来た警察に対して君は真っ正面を向くことができたのか |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/469957096931221504 |
Can you kill your parents |
君は親を殺すことができるのか |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/469958080206090241 |
I would like you to be a person that does not hurt other people but helps them |
俺は君に人を傷付けるのではなく人を助ける人間になってほしい |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/470335349160300544 |
[May 24]Gather today's tweets. http://blog.goo.ne.jp/koushinlawfirm/e/9f30dd48f7e2685b1d67433ced717f78 |
[05月24日]のつぶやきをまとめました http://blog.goo.ne.jp/koushinlawfirm/e/9f30dd48f7e2685b1d67433ced717f78 |
May 27
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/470984075960799233 |
What did the suspect, Yusuke Katayama, want to do? |
片山祐輔容疑者は何がしたかったのでしょうか。 |
June 4
He tweeted the word "Sekai no owari"(世界の終わり), literally "End of the World". A Japanese band with the same name, "SEKAI NO OWARI"(Sekai_no_Owari) exists, but his expression is different from the correct name.
Probably he mistook as always he did, but Koushinists relate it to his rumor that he has Nuclear weapon, or eschatology.
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/474147080202506240 |
Thank you for becoming my music producer, Ms. Ushijima Iiniku! I also love the end of the world! |
うしじまいい肉様プロデュースありがとうございます!世界の終わりも大好きです! |
https://twitter.com/KoushinLawfirm/status/474321687194775552 |
[June 4] Gathered today's tweets. The best ReTweeted tweet is "Thank you for the producing me, Ms.Ushijima Iiniku! I also love an end of the w..." http://blog.goo.ne.jp/koushinlawfirm/e/810b6de2bbb96c834189ae58b7ab3b69 #gbrt |
[06月04日]のつぶやきをまとめました 1番RTされたつぶやきは「うしじまいい肉様プロデュースありがとうございます!世界の終わりも大好きで...」 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/koushinlawfirm/e/810b6de2bbb96c834189ae58b7ab3b69 #gbrt |
- 片山祐輔が報道機関などに送ったメール - Emails that Yusuke Katayama send to broadcast media (Japanese)
See also
- 唐澤貴洋の発言一覧/Twitter - Japanese original page.
- List of remarks of Karasawa Takahiro/Facebook