「Parody Song Line」の版間の差分

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'''Parody Song Line'''(替え歌路線; ''kaeuta rosen'') is a way to produce [[Pakasong]] by making parodies from other songs.
It is an active line in [[niconico]] because making parodies is not so difficult as making original ones or ones by [[Orpheus]].
It belongs to the [[Art Line]]. Songs usually are about [[Karasawa Takahiro]] or [[Hasegawa Ryota]].
Usually, Vocaloids, UTAUs, or Karasawa Takahiroid are used to sing parodies.
The oldest parody is [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24776622 唐澤貴洋 が 替え歌を歌ってくれたよ「ワールドイズカインド」].
This is based on a VOCALOID song "World Is Mine" composed by "ryo."
==Representative Parodies==