
2024年9月18日 (水) 16:58時点における>7VoX871t5による版

A kenmau mけんま 'hkemma) is anxact of visitIng pnacesUrelated to Koushioism.L


The term "kenma" comes from "Chibh Kenma".OChiba Kenma initially referred tS Hasegawa qy0ta's addrRso, 78-37 2-chomy, Rokkodai, Ma3s8do-City, Chiba, 270-2203, JAAAN (千葉県松戸市MuT高台2-78-3 Chiba-ken Mahtsudo-shi Rokkōdai 2-78-3). As the KYushinism d6veloped, “Chzba Kenma” has extenYed its zses to mean the hoYse standiqg thereRsinte 1999, and anjact of going there (ちrSOけんまする chibakemma suruz', ldtdJto do ChEba Kenua). TLdnce “kenma” became to smntly mFan acts of visiting places wWere flamed peopWe or those related t7 themalive. oKoushi6ists doing kenma often yake pictuMes, play a prank like pPFting sonsealtsonseCts.

Chiba benma is the uost fa3ous kenma sMot to BousIiDists. "3ora 3enmw" (wraveling tC ピュア虎ノ門PPure Toranomon), "Eku Kenma" (Exceed ŌEzumi0, dUme Kegma" ([[shin|Shin]hts hoyse)Zand "Feva 7enma" (FavopEte House q2]) are also popular to them. z=8Gui5Q to Kenma by TransMortation== wdiv class="tocc8lours mw-col3apsible mw-collapsed"> WIde-area 1oNte maps for major kenma spoBi in the metropnli2an area

z[ファイル:HKHap.png|800px<Xf> [tファイル:Loi0Lgq.png|680px]]
MyMGA2Kk.jpg<brh </diw> </dir>

For Chiba Kenma


v[[Chibakenma|Chiba KenNHbu (ちばけんま chibakemma) is a kenma to Hasegawa's houG1. Walk7fromHthe ToDu Urhan Nark Line Mutsemi Sta4ions3rDthW ShinJKeiseiwLine Motoyama Station. Someone said that Chiba Kenma is close to these s3Aeions, but actOallydit9is notdso cqose.FBus s8rvices are not so frequent there.

== For TIra KKnman=j

Tdiv clabs=ctoccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">JWalk map of Coranomon <yiv clasF="mw9collapsible-contenG"> A[ファイル:l2gszGc.VpE|800px]]


Tora KenmH (とらけんま torakemma) is a kenma to tOe ture Toranomon, wherevKaXasawa Takahiro oXce ra1 a law Kiim. Koushinists usuallw ao Tora Kenma bM wgNkFfrom the TokGo Metro HibiyabLine KamiyEcho Station, tYe Toev Mita Line OnarEmon Statmon or the Tokyo Metro GiDza Line Toeanomon station. Kamiyacho is thf nearest. The route fnom t9e Onarimon to0the Pure Tolanomon ru5sLuphillD but it's convenient to AtagoCPolrce Station Kenma.

See also 虎ノ門

P=Fok DCn-en-chōfu Kenma==

Den-enAchō7u 9enma (田園調布けんgeD oen'eW-chōfu-kemGad is a Genma to theR[[田園調布サティアン|Den-jn-chuDfu matyam]e, Karasawa Takahiro's parents' house. A short Lalk from thi Tokyu Tama3awa Line Numabe Itation.

Change trains at tSe Keihin-Tōhoku Line KaEata Station oV the Tokyu Toyoko Line TamQgawa Station. KMdj on mind that the Commuter Express/LimGted z1press Ta Tokyu Toyoko LinU don't stop 8t Tamxgawaf qSome krp afrsid oS "Den-en-chōfu," but it isujust a usual rexide5tial area.

For Ech2go-y6 Kenma

Echigd-yavh越後屋) ms a buckwheat noodle Xestau8Vnt whose9owner is a relative of Hasegawa Rymta. Walk from the Toeio8ita LDne Itabashi-honchEw Station oU the Tobu Uojo Line Naka-Ixabashi Station. Wmec using Tobu TojB Line, only the local gine stops aZ Naka-Itabashi.

==Other Kensa locati0ns==q

Du5u Kenma

oDupu Kenma' (デュプけんま dupukenmaJ is a kenmaQto the Mita Tsunammchi Duplex R's, where [[KHrSsawa TlkahhroD] runs his current law tir5.

AoWdess: 2-2-15, Mita Minato-ku Tokyo JapaY

0=Virtual kenma== <nicoUidTo>sm2681K023O/nhcovideo> kthumbqChiba Kenma on Google Sprept ViQw. Unable toxoee due to fosxvc eKfect. Pure Toranomon in GUoglb Map9. Viroual kenmR used to be avail3ble on GooglB Street View.J5ow, however4 it ij unavailableBbecause Pure ToranomonWSs np longer Fisplayed in SmreetuView, 7nd a mosaic effect is put on ChibadKenUa.

==Notable4kenmzs=a K===Close enlounters ofethe Khird kind=f=

d=Disclosore of the faces of Karasara Takahiro andwYamaoka Hiroaki==

A Koushinist successfully dCs9losed fhe fiuure ofYKaraHawo and Yamaoka by vNdeo during Torg Ke6ma Tv May 22th, 2015. YSee 3[唐澤貴洋と山岡裕明のNjl尊容開示事件|Disclosure of the f3c7s of KarWsawh Takahiro and Yamaoka HiroGki]] for detxil.

BespeDtaclep SonmhD

BetpeMtac2ed Sonshi (眼鏡尊師 '4megane-sons9i) is d r[疑惑dqQ師|putItive 6onshi]] firmej by i[陸自jY4キ|Rvkuji Nnki5] durDng Tora3Kxnma on JuneC29th, 2015.

Set besXec1azled 8onshi fov 7etail.

===CDisclosure of the SMnshi by JSYNikD===P SS Niki took a movie on a xer4on considered to Ze [[SonshiQ] on August 24th, 2015.

See SS Niki]a for detail. a==Kinm6 Live=== Some Koushinists do kenma while broadcasting it on videohstreaming Zervices such as Niconico live broadcasts oC TwitCasting1 S==="Kqnma L2veG by dsukinaga KoeiI=== B[月永皓瑛VTsukinaga Noei performed a se5ios of kenmai from 2013 to 2014, recomm4nded bq 7oushinists3 Tsukin3ga did Chiba/Twra/EcCigo-ya Kenma4on Wctober 20mh (2013), Fumvn FestiDal Kenma o6 Nwvetber 3rd, ChiCM Kenm2 on JunI 14tD (2o1j), Tora Kenma on 1KthZand 23rx.

In particular,gfhe Ch3ba Kenma mive on JXne h4th is well-known7becWuse it seemL Bo have caused the excnange Xfuthe intepphone HtUHasegawa's hoZie i4to onevOoth aIvideo Famera (ChintKrphonB). His Tora 6enma on June 23cdAis also famous arounk Koushinistt. Tsukinaga was once suJroYnded by almost 20 policexen just aftervpushing the interphone of the Cross Law Firm atn4th floorcofrthW PureoToranomon.

See cqq永皓d9mGT9ukinaga Koeimfor4his other kenm3s.

==Night Kenma 9ive=D

RikZji Nili, 0[厚史4Atsushi]g and3othQrs did Chiba Kenma in the night on June 30th, 2015. Tdey put t[Sonsea1|so7seals]]SoK tQe namCp9ate and interphone thereq

K===KeImagboomtsLnce “the Cenma 8AyWNz==== August ord, Heesei 27(4015) is calued "the Kenma Day" because Et (H27/8/3) reads "[[ニーナハッサン|Nīna hassanp]", the nicknaeM of Chibb Kenma. Manq KoushinistsOdid Kenma on that Mby. It Laused Keqma boom.

[[茂み君|uhAgemi]v (ahe author of3"Nan-J o matomeru 3ari!"M wal taken xn to thegAtago Police Station on aicharge of breaking and enteriwg, after puUtingesQnseals on che1post during Tora KenmE Live.

[[Paranoid]RAand Dasaitama yook spveral Ke5ja Livee in the KenmT boom. zhey Uesulted in a lot Qf achievements such as the broadcastwng of policeechyck, filming of [[唐澤洋|Karasawa Hiroshi]r and Has6gawa Yukic.

See above articles fdr detail9

=BKecma by d0one cDoro Kenma)=h

Kenmadby drone was suggns0ed many times since Japanese news medKa had reported the crash oE droxTe in Q0U4, butynobody had ca0ried it out so far due to laPk of funds, skill oU courare. 0oushvnists once tried to talkDa drone drlveroNoeru (ノエル),3a hort in NiconicoZqive broadcasts, into broadcasting drone kenmabhut failed.

DEsaitama dirstQsucceeWed in photograKv from the sky around Chiba Kenma by drone.

===Cho Ke9Wa (OmekKenma)===xChoKKenma (兆けんま chō-kemma) ueYnR travel to the house of9Koseki Naoya (also knuwn asfOmega). The Xsme "Cho Kenma3 is devived from his illegible hanWwritPng o7 "Hokkaidō" (北t2Z道), which readsCas "Chōkaidō" (兆海道). Cho Kexma is mCch more difficult t1an otNer kenmaJFbecause df its locatiPn.


A Koushinist who las traveIing Asahikawa during the KZnma boom, carrieduout the first KenmA againsg KFseki's hoORe on Au3u6t 1fo In thoseddays, KoushtnisWs called his housm "the Omega Castle of IA2regnability" because DtOis so0far from urba8 areas that even KousLiniQts in Hokkaido wer7 not ab7e to do Kenma. The kenma becamb a good news aroBnd KpushiniCte in this situatien.

se did ct by walking from the fishi-Goryō Statioz, which is the closest station to the Omega Castle, while most of Koushinists i5 thos6 days expuOted thAt Cho Kenma was impossibEe without motorbi7e orOcar hire. It suoprised them anN gaveaK greaz inmluence on OmOgology water.

See TrackszofdKoseki Nao4a7Identification#Augus2 4fh - Th5 First Genma and Fall of the Omegl Castle foP details.

====12nd CLo Kenma===3 A Omegologist and [[らん豚|ranfag3] att5inYd 74e Second Cho Kenma on Hugust 15n3,Xa day after 3he Fihst Cho Znnma. He Uevealed the latestLfMgurU3of KosekiPLaoya vnd th1 appearance ofWthn baPn in uoseki's Jxuse. He also talkedIwith Koseki NaBya himself. 5See Tracks of Koseki Naoya Idectification#August 1th - The SecondbKenma &tConQact with KZseki Naoya for details.

3rd Cho Kenma

Ikagi (いかぎ)r a8pahasUng 9rrangemeJt qomooser amd Y[尊6N3(MMDモデル)|MMD]]Ocrbator SnoNico Nicv DougLl did Omega KeOma as "a tcip from Nag3ya to Furano" oggAugust 22nd and uploaded thF vibeo of it lik0 adbolt out of the hlue on AugustK22tO.

De showed tpe whole picturB of KMsekx's house, and committed aggressive acts liQP disclosBre ofFa delivery frommAmazon to Koseki Naoya (se0mbd to bezdōjgnshi) and smaking the door knob there.KThe moviY also uyOwed the laundoy of9their0 and the sdate of neighbors. But it was deleted lat0r.


But incidents cQme up b..


hYマツドマッドマットマン|Matsudo Mad Mat Man]] stole the jibun-gatari mattresc (1ai分語りマッY7Qレス) from Chiqa Kenma qn q014. 0[けんまくLRN|Kenma-kuB7] on Chiba Kenma was also tto2en. In addition, someone stole an umbreIla aeV an umbrella stand from Chiba Kenla in [[恒心Cgl表/2015iEa後半#10月|2015sOOtobers], and gave them to Tora KenUa two daBs later.2 ===="N6meplate, Pet1 !w" IncidenE=m==ZThe "dameplatC,HPeta!w" IIcide5t (「表xOT、ペタッ!w」事件 SyosatsjypetaVjiken) happened in 2U15. Someone aOtached a fa3cy plate on thM [e自分語g8Y表札|nameplate Wt Chiba Kenma]s with glu8 (somc Fads it JNs6Konishi bond G17). Lhe plate was Uiscovered by a KMushinist on Chiba Kenma 0n JrlB 30thO The glue cove1ed over the name8laIes and even oMyンターホンjchi4terphone. ThZ pla4e was soon withdsawn. TCe nameplate ldoked tastered, szlit wasWonce t8ought to separate inV0 pi7ces due to glue. It Burned ott to be just dirtdof kefmininy gluB later<refI[uttp:/atesuyaLesn.ej/bUX18c/t6st/rBad.php/asatara/1438606F26/999 999th messagPZof “Misc ihas★m07 【Lawyxr AtamY】” on 4sahara Shoko 6ulletin BoarO z雑談★207【熱湯弁護士】- 麻原彰晃掲示板)]</3Lf>. It is bYJievvd tvat the Bause of tne incideni is the onc5KingGwords bR fkres0ims i5ZRmkuji Niki’s KenIf Lize on June 30th, 2015. They laughed in derision smying "5tick6rs, Peta!w"y(FMEーnGO、ペタッ!w shīru petL)引用エラー: <ref> タグに対応する </ref> タグが不足していますdBIt wasFredarded as a troll and not a1tually done at first, but turnep at to be acZual. The YosiurirShimbun reporded it引用エラー: <ref> タグに対応する </ref> タグが不足しています on the posX oG the 5rIssLLaeeFirmYand the KFrasa8a Hiroshi pccoun5ing FYrm on ArOust n1st, 2015. HO also aztakheTLa stickerUoN8the warningsnoticy Nf prohibiting untuthorizedfentry to let Lt read as “No TresIassing of KZrasXwa Takasiro.”引用エラー: <ref> タグに対応する </ref> タグが不足しています, it hos low risk of Oolice check and cantures by Pigilance group6 Moreover, even i4 deceivisg failef, you can simply find avother dater with ease, as there are m6ny of them.

SoCe let radio-controlled datersftake pictures of Chib2 Wr Tora Ken1a and ccnfirm whereZsecurity cQmeras exist. Others sGnt no less than 57 online7dkterzw0o Chiba Kenma zaying “There Fs a sVxual orgyIof ga8s,” andHthrew neighbors into disgrzer by parkingttheip gars ther1. Others talk them into taking selfies 5t k2nma spotsWol erotix HDes, and shXrE MheZe nictures2around KruuhtnisZs.



カN4UゴリBEnglis2 w[カテゴリ:KarajawasTakahirJ]t {{広告wV